Source code for django_tables2.columns.jsoncolumn

import json

from django.utils.html import format_html

from ..utils import AttributeDict
from .base import library
from .linkcolumn import BaseLinkColumn

        from django.contrib.postgres.fields import HStoreField
        from django.db.models import JSONField  # django==3.1 moved JSONField
    except ImportError:
        from django.contrib.postgres.fields import HStoreField, JSONField

except ImportError:
    # psycopg2 is not available, cannot import from django.contrib.postgres.
    # JSONColumn might still be useful to add manually.

[docs] @library.register class JSONColumn(BaseLinkColumn): """ Render the contents of `~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField` or `~django.contrib.postgres.fields.HStoreField` as an indented string. .. versionadded :: 1.5.0 .. note:: Automatic rendering of data to this column requires PostgreSQL support (psycopg2 installed) to import the fields, but this column can also be used manually without it. Arguments: json_dumps_kwargs: kwargs passed to `json.dumps`, defaults to `{'indent': 2}` attrs (dict): In addition to *attrs* keys supported by `~.Column`, the following are available: - ``pre`` -- ``<pre>`` around the rendered JSON string in ``<td>`` elements. """ def __init__(self, json_dumps_kwargs=None, **kwargs): self.json_dumps_kwargs = ( json_dumps_kwargs if json_dumps_kwargs is not None else {"indent": 2} ) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def render(self, record, value): return format_html( "<pre {}>{}</pre>", AttributeDict(self.attrs.get("pre", {})).as_html(), json.dumps(value, **self.json_dumps_kwargs), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_field(cls, field, **kwargs): if POSTGRES_AVAILABLE: if isinstance(field, (JSONField, HStoreField)): return cls(**kwargs)